Joseph Scaramucci
Joseph Scaramucci serves as the Director of Law Enforcement Training and Operations and plays a pivotal role within the Operations and Intelligence team. He is responsible for liaising with law enforcement agencies and coordinating direct support for local law enforcement operations. Deputy Scaramucci holds credentials as a McLennan County Deputy Sheriff, making significant contributions to counter-demand, counter-trafficking, and counter-pedophile operations at local, state, federal, and international levels. His notable achievements include spearheading the creation of a Human Trafficking Unit in 2014, leading to a series of successful sting operations resulting in the apprehension of over 660 sex buyers and 160 individuals involved in human trafficking and related offenses, as well as the identification of 281 trafficking victims. His expertise has benefited 607 agencies spanning 44 states, 29 federal and DOD agencies, as well as law enforcement agencies in 12 countries.